B2B branding
while B2B marketing has many different requirements, basic strategic branding disciplines create huge, yet often overlooked, opportunities...
THE B2B CHALLENGE: a small, high-power contender in the fast-moving new EHR (electronic health records) industry needs to get noticed at an imminent industry-wide event ... communicating both its tech superiority and recent merger with a well-known, yet more traditional, industry service provider
beyond a visionary ceo, no senior management cohesion or agreement on the focus of sale
no agreed-upon marketing strategy, focus or convention theme
no brand strategy that fully leverages the value of the acquired company brand
THE SOLUTION: initiate a collaborative brand value planning process, including a quick-turn facilitated offsite to rapidly align internal POVs and create consensus support for a high impact messaging matrix
in just 3 months, working collaboratively with a very responsive creative agency, fresh new materials with a clear focus that told a brand new story, with simple yet compelling new language, was created to:
get noticed
communicate positive change
jump-start successful sales conversations
THE CHALLENGE: An undermarketed product, which actually works, is relaunched by two talented entrepreneurs who immediately recognize the potential power of packaging ... even though primary distribution is intended, from the outset, to be online.
THE SOLUTION: Create a modern, high potency brand image which is, simultaneously, uniquely feminine and distinctive ... reinforcing natural product ingredients ... yet avoiding pervasive "natural" stereotypes.
The new brand logo incorporating graphic design
The winning packaging design was deemed so potentially powerful, it became the organizing visual graphic design element, used cost-effectively across all marketing execution elements to date.
totally aligned visual execution across all channels...background
I am a strategic branding expert with a unique combination of execution skill and laser focus.
Specializing in service businesses, my background combines results-driven, total business optimization, taking full advantage of the fusion of branding, strategic marketing, biz dev and scenario planning ... enhanced by a very pragmatic grounding in behavioral psychology.
This has contributed to a 39 year track record in successful business trans4mation, from Fortune 100 to small start-ups. From brands with 99% awareness to 0%. From hardline, softline and oldline to the largest sector in e-commerce. From turnarounds to sustaining behemoths' growth. The heart of my experience is in imagining and helping to create successful new business realities in the U.S. ... and markets around the world.
I’m proud to have led and worked with great strategic teams, in full time positions with senior management responsibility, making significant contributions to:
Orbitz Worldwide: Global Chief Marketing Officer (2005-2008)
McDonald's Corporation: Vice President, Strategic Global Brand Marketing (2002-2005)
Leo Burnett: Executive V.P. (1996-2002): clients include McDonald's, Hallmark, Disney
Anspach, Grossman, Portugal: Managing Director (corporate identity firm, 1995): clients include American Express, Detroit Edison, Exxon, Prudential & the global alliance of Sprint/Deutsche Telecom/France Telecom
Foote, Cone Belding: (1980-1994) Executive Vice President (1991-1994): clients include Campbell Soup, Citibank, Colgate Palmolive, Chrysler Corp, IBM, Northwest Airlines, Richardson-Vicks/P+G, The Limited
Full time board positions include:
Media Armor (2013 -- 2015 exit): a venture backed media company, pioneering technology which enables brands and retailers to drive incremental, cross-channel revenue through relevant messaging, based upon consumer behavior, by coordinating & optimizing actions they take both online & offline (Greycroft Partners)
Minds Matter (2009 -- ongoing): a non-profit organization dedicated to transforming the lives of high-potential low-income students by making their dreams of college a reality; this is a growing 100% volunteer national group providing 2 mentors for every student to help fulfill their potential
This is not some black box function. It does not require a long, expensive complicated process.
There are few, single “right” answers in business. But there are smarter, forward-thinking solutions that will prepare any company to profit from emerging opportunity NOW … and going forward.
The future is already happening: SOMEWHERE.
You just need to know where to look to shine new light on opportunity ... looking at your business from fresh angles of vision ... activating real insights through insightful, well-aligned cross-functional action plans. Experience says this kind of intervention builds business with more sustainable profit.
This is true not just for large established brands. Engaging marketing strategy early in the life of any business can ensure longer term, competitive edge and viability of your business model. Early “marketing intervention” drives early focus, which is a proven path to early results. It engages customers and resources together, in action that’s “right for the customer” ...but VERY importantly: “right for the organization,” as it grows.
My FOCUS: Not “just” achieving results ... driving business while maximizing marketing R.O.I.
The BIG challenge for any top marketer today is where and how to deploy resources most effectively, in order to achieve best results at greatest profit.
Nothing is going away. Everything is additive. Every plan is a test. Execution is everything.
My VALUE: A unique vision rooted in broad B2C plus B2B branding + deep marketing experience + a collaboration orientation + behavioral psychology + pragmatic ability to not just plan ... but execute ... strategically.
Back in 1980, coming to branding from psychology, a critical component of great communications seemed obvious. Yet undetected. I dubbed it "the deep that unites". Discovering an insistent truth which can unite people, deeply, across global boundaries. This bond seemed to work more strongly than what often prove to be shallow differences.
Since then, using this premise to drive remarkable business results certainly proved valuable. So universally valuable, an early client recently pointed out that my observation had been 'co-opted', attributed to others. While my original 1980 memo, laying out the premise, is still in my pack-rat file, that's just another proof of value.
Still working? Take a look at a creative proof, executed by Coca-Cola. I'm proud to say, the effort was led by a colleague & friend, at Leo Burnett. Here's the power of the deep to unite...
By now, EVERYONE knows what this ad was advertising. But way back for season #3 (of 9), HBO created a 2-page spread (complete with cryptic articles of its own) in this clever New York Times ad.
For anyone who didn't know The Khaleesi was raising three dragons ... the massive looming shadow ... on the huge spread of The Times was just as intriguing...
Who says newspaper ads are dead?
Brands that refresh their power, without losing their way or getting caught up in their own mystique are admirable. Long past its original trans4mation from stodgy 'mass merchandiser' ... this campaign evolution from early 2013, avoids every female stereotype ... understands its modern customer ... and continues to re-create a new visual language ... with its own branded sense of fun, attention-grabbing images & fresh design.
Someone beyond me must have really liked it as, after leaving it for awhile, they reintroduced a campaign extension for 2014.
Take a look & see why this smart marketer continues to earn every retailer's dream: a visit "every day"...
CMO-EYES on the prize
Interventions add an experienced marketing "head" to pre-view & power-up business success:
get A-HEAD INTERVENTION: anticipate or respond to competitive change -- looking ahead & around corners to get proactive vs. reactive in your marketplace
get A-HEAD INTEGRATION: looking at "digital" or "social" vs. "offline" marketing is archaic -- your brand's most impactful marketing must be designed holistically, with metric accountability
AGENCY PITCHES: pre-view the CMO challenge, before pitching to your ultimate client
CREATIVE CONSULTS: turn the strategic dial up on creative & pinpoint opportunities
BRAND EXPANSION: fast-forward multi-national success with global expertise
"TEAMING" INTERVENTION: marketing + sales + tech don't always talk -- bring your teams together in new ways to accomplish more, more cost-effectively via team facilitations &/or workshops
equity-boost interventions
Interventions with early stage companies, focused on getting the brand value proposition, customer experience and marketing infrastructure right to drive EBITDA...fast:
including any of the above: just do it -- SOONER than you thought necessary!
marketing & PR team building: perspective to hire the right folks to do the right things ... EARLY
board position: where on-going contribution will prove beneficial
_____________ (you fill in this blank):
Tell me your goals & your budget ... together, we’ll design the right solution.New Paragraph